I am sure that many of you guys know the story of this Tunisian-Spanish guy who went to spin the globe and who captured amazing pictures with the Tunisian flag wore on his back. So I think there’s no need to introduce one of the Tunisian national heroes. Ladies & Gentlemen… The Last Samirai!
Q: Hi, Can you present yourself in a few words?
TLS: I’m Sami, known under the name of “The Last Samirai”. I’m 31 years old and since March 2016, I’ve been traveling around the World. Traveling has become my reason to live.
Q: How many countries and independent territories have you visited?
TLS: I’ve been to 49 countries and independent territories in 5 continents.
Q: What is the first country you have visited?
TLS: The first country was Spain as my mother is Spanish. I was 6 months old 🙂 But my first real crush was Istanbul in Turkey. I was 9 years old at that time but I still have flashes of memory of that trip.
Q: What is the last country you have visited?
TLS: I’m currently in Taiwan where I unexpectedly found a job. I’ll stay at least for a year or two before continuing traveling. The great people, the delicious food, the motivation to learn Chinese convinced me to settle for a while 🙂

Q: What would be the best 5 countries u have visited and why?
- China: Incredibly diverse…Fascinating culture and lots of gorgeous landscapes.
- Myanmar: Unique culture and essence. A travel back in time.
- Croatia: Fairy tale towns and a clear blue sea that will blow your mind away.
- Indonesia: Gorgeous volcanoes, beaches and adventure.
- New Zealand: The closest place to heaven on earth: Magnificent nature and Laid back lifestyle.
Q: What countries are on your wish list?
TLS: All of them, but to mention some
- Iran: I want to experience the hospitality of its people.
- Iceland: I want to explore its breathtaking landscapes.
- Ethiopia: One of the most ancient civilizations on earth.
- Cuba: Live the Caribbean lifestyle. Smoke a cigar, drink a piña colada and dance salsa.
- Yemen: Visit Sana’a and its historic district.
- Madagascar: a Nature apart in one of the biggest islands of the World.
Q: Can you tell us about the most « unique » travel experience you have lived?
TLS: My two months in China traveling solo was my first unplanned trip. I improvised all along the way. One day I was trekking in the valleys of Yangshuo, the next one I was lost in the middle of sublime rice terraces, then I was at more than 4000 m altitude in the west of the country to end up breaking fasting at a Muslim mosque in Xi’an. All this using a very basic Chinese.

Q: If you have to pack only one thing in your luggage, what would it be?
TLS: A camera
Q: What are the first three things you do when you arrive in a new place?
- I make sure I have a place to stay.
- I explore the surroundings by walk.
- End up eating some local food.
Q: What ultimate advice can you tell people that are crazy about travelling?
TLS: Stay at people’s houses. You will experience the real essence of the country.
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