Meet Tunisian 41 y-o traveler Sofiene Souissi, based in Montreal – Canada and fan of top-level sports… Discover some of his adventures through this interview made for you by « Samih around the World »

Q: Hi, Can you present yourself in a few words?

SS:I am Sofiene, a 41 y-o Tunisian based in Montreal, Canada. I am a passionate of travelling and top-level sport.

Q: How many countries and independent territories have you visited?

SS: 52 countries across 5 continents.

Q: What is the first country you have visited?

SS: Germany at the age of 11 was the beginning of a long story.

Q: What is the last country you have visited?

SS: Monte-Carlo 2017, where I spotted El matador Rafael NADAL at the Rolex Masters!

Cape of good hope (South Africa)

Q: What is your next destination?

SS: I’m still confused because there’s still a lot to see.

Q: What was the most amazing travel experience you have lived?

SS: Among the 52 countries the pilgrimage « HAJJ » in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is by far the best souvenir. I call it THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME.

Puente Santa Fé (Nicaragua)

Q: Can you tell us about the most dangerous travel experience you have lived?

SS: Fortunately, everything has gone well up to now. Even though, I’ve been to some of the most dangerous countries across the globe

Q: If you have to pack only one thing in your luggage, what would it be?

SS: My smartphone (cos it includes everything I need: camera …)

Q: What are the first three things you do when you arrive in a new place?

SS: 1-contact the family. 2-get some cash from the local currency. 3-start exploring

Q: What ultimate advice can you tell people that are crazy about travelling?

SS: just PACK & GO…

Catégories : Meet a Traveler

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